Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday -- is it really Thursday?

So I got an email from Meghan this morning, sent last night, that they are in San Diego at his parent's house, close to the hospital. Doctor was less than kind to her yesterday when Meghan saw her, and basically told her to grin and bear it. She says the contractions are hard and 4 minutes apart -- so she doesn't want to be far from the hospital just in case. My concern is that the doctor has made her afraid to call and that baby will be delivered in a car/ambulance/bathroom floor. I KNOW Meghan would never do such a thing on purpose, but with no sleep to speak of for a week, and your doctor telling you that you are being a wimp, well . . . . that just doesn't bode well to me. I've not heard from her since. I hope she's sleeping and the contractions have stopped, or that she's busy having a baby. It's just not supposed to be this difficult!

As for me, I went to my former boss's house to help her design the decorations for her tables at her reception. I don't really think I was of much use, but it was nice to see her and try to help anyway. When I got home, I made 6 more OBW blocks. They are so easy and mindless sewing now -- I think I need about 20 more and all 56 will be finished. Then I'll try to do the "color wave" -- not sure how well THAT's going to work out with this fabric. This may just be a hodgepodge and I'll worry about the color wave on the next one. And believe me, there will be a next one. I can't help but love, love, love this -- too bright for me? Yup. A place for it? Nope. But it might be a great gift for Ricky. I can see him staring at the kaleidoscopes for hours at a time. Heck, I can see ME staring at them for hours at a time! We'll see. I'll send a photo to him once done and see if he wants it.

Bosses not in -- I was assured today would be REALLY busy, but not so far! I think a couple things got postponed until next week. Quiet days are nice, but they sure do get long and boring.

I really do plan to cut out Judi's purse tonight. I really do!!

Have a good day everyone! I hope to report good news about Meghan and Talya today!


1 comment:

Hunter said...

Yipes, too bad Meghan can't get a second opinion or just go to an emergency room.

Why do people become doctors if they don't want to be caring with people?

Still holding you in my thoughts.
