Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ok, it's been a while again!

I'm not good at keeping up on this thing, now am I? So, here are photos of a couple of quilt tops I've finished

This one was a New Years Eve mystery that I did with my friend Diane. I ended up trying some new quilting techniques on it -- this photo (the one I had handy at work) is before it's been assembled, but it shows it basically. It is square, so I've used it on my square coffee table. I made a couple of easy coasters out of the focus fabric to go with it. Diane gave me a book on machine quilting with a walking foot, and I tried some of those ideas on this. I really need to snap a photo of it, because it was quilting at a level I'd never tried. I was pleased with the results and very grateful to Diane for the great book!

This is a photo of a mystery I did that was a test for a designer -- not saying which one! It's still a flimsy.

I am also finishing up Bonnie Hunter's Carolina Christmas (should have the flimsy together tonight and will photo and hopefully post). I made all the blocks, but I decided it was too busy, and too big, and I think I want to try some additional quilting techniques on it (never done a Baptist Fan). So I'm using one set of blocks for what will still be a good sized couch throw, and putting the other blocks in reserve for when I need a quick gift.

Oh, I know, I've not posted about my Singer 201. I've been looking for one for about a year, and finally the Singer store called and told me they had one in. At first I said, no, no, I'm not spending that much money on another machine when I already have 4. Then my friends were saying, hey, you've wanted that forever -- it's not an impulse buy. And I realized I really wanted it, so I called and was able to negotiate the price down. She was built in 1955 in New Jersey, the first 3 of her serial number are AM1. So I named her Ami (pronounced Amy). Here she is!! She runs like a dream, all my feet work on her, and she's got all the gold decals in perfect condition. New cords all around -- just a delight to work on. Cabinet looks like brand new. I don't much care for the foot pedal -- I have to wear shoes to sew, which isn't something I normally do, but hey, I can manage!
So much for using the 2nd bedroom for a sofa sleeper, which I had thought about. . . . I figure I didn't make a decision on what I wanted to do because I was waiting for Ami and didn't even know it!
Have a great day everyone (all 2 of you that read this!).


Anonymous said...

here is the first one....congradulations on the "new' sewing machine and the mysteries look great so far...great color choices...can not wait to see them finished as you are....Linda B in MI

Lesley said...

Hi Billye, just dropped in to say 'good morning'. Congrats on finally getting the machine you wanted. You'll have to build an extention soon! luv Lesley

Candace said...

Your quilts are looking great, I especially like the second one. It is so nice to have the equipment that you need and want. I hope that you get a lot of enjoyment from your new machine. I have 3 machines, 4 if you count my serger, but they all have different uses, and make the jobs that they do easier. Sorry, I forgot my little singer, so I guess it is 5, and the fifth so far is just for fun, lol. We all need a little 'fun' too.

Diane Barfield said...

When is the next installment? Put your professional totes on here.

Candace said...

Hope you and yours are well.